
Foto: Pixabay Licence Pavlofox (üstung-motor-1452987/)

The Office of the Environmental Ombudsman of Lower Austria (Niederösterreichische Umweltanwaltschaft) is located at the seat of the Lower Austrian Provincial Government in St. Pölten. It acts on the basis of a constitutional provision, is independent and non-partisan. In addition to promoting strategically important projects in the field of ecology in Lower Austria, it is also authorised to represent the interests of environmental protection in administrative proceedings. In doing so, it exercises the rights conferred on it by provincial legislation (such as the Lower Austrian Nature Conservation Act) or federal legislation (such as the Environmental Impact Assessment Act). We are delighted to have the Environmental Ombudsman of Lower Austria as a partner in the Roadkill project. It is in a position to introduce the data and information collected by us as a party in various administrative procedures (such as nature conservation procedures or environmental impact assessment procedures) and - based on this - to demand protective measures. At the same time, it is our interface with the official nature conservation experts and the Nature Conservation Department of the Province of Lower Austria. Our activities and data are therefore of great importance for nature conservation practice. Nature conservation means protecting people.…
Spotteron GmbH has been supporting the Roadkill project since 2015 with the development of the apps and the project website. Due to the intensive cooperation over the last years it was possible to perfectly combine the existing knowledge on both sides to develop tools not only for the project Roadkill but for the whole Citizen Science Community. Spotteron develops its apps modularly so that functions that are financed and implemented by one project are also available to the other projects on the Spotteron platform. In the last few years we were able to successfully implement the important functions of the offline use of the maps in the apps, the comment function below all entries or also important functions in the backend. Through constant exchange both sides, scientists and developers, learn enormously to achieve the best for the Citizen Science Community from both views. We would like to thank the team of Spotteron GmbH for their support over the years and look forward to further fruitful cooperation.
The private Institute for Wildlife Biology is specialized in small mammal species and for many reasons a perfect partner for our project. On the one hand, the staff members have great expertise in the field of nature and species conservation, which they have already proven in numerous projects. On the other hand, the institute is also known for its knowledge in animal preparation, which is enormously important for the identification of species and especially helps to identify the road-killed small mammals in the project. In addition, through the coordination of, they also bring with them extensive experience in citizen science. The cooperation with apodemus enables us to have the entries on small mammals reviewed again by experts in this field, who may point out mistakes to us! This is a great enrichment for our project and directly increases the data quality. We are very happy that apodemus supports us in our project and look forward to the future cooperation.    
BirdLife Austria is the only ornithological association in Austria that is active nationwide. Since its foundation in 1953, BirdLife Austria has carried out scientifically founded nature and bird conservation projects in four core areas: Protection of species Protected areas and habitats Sustainability Awareness raising We are very pleased to have won BirdLife Austria as a partner in the project Roadkill. Since the core areas of this association fit perfectly to the tasks of the project Roadkill, we will intensively work in the future to intensify the basic research on road-killed birds and the protection of birds on roads by planning joint research projects, exchanging data for nature conservation analyses and improving the scientific methods for data collection.  
The Austrian Herpetological Society is a non-profit association and accredited environmental organisation which aims to support research in the field of amphibian and reptile research and the conservation of amphibians and reptiles and their habitats. In the context of the activities of the association the very successful Citizen Science project is conducted. "Herpetofauna" collects amphibian and reptile observations throughout Austria. In addition to the location of the specimen and the taxon, accompanying data such as habitat quality, endangerment, stage of development etc. are also recorded. Only data that are photographically documented are processed. To date, more than 20,000 reports from "Citizen Scientists" have been included in the database and are available for research. The cooperation with the Austrian Herpetological Society enables us to have the entries on amphibians and reptiles checked again by declared experts in this field and, if necessary, to point out any errors! This is a great enrichment for our project and directly increases the data quality. We are looking forward to future cooperation and mutual benefit!
The Natural History Museum Vienna (NHM) with more than 30 million collector's items is considered one of the most important natural history museums in the world. Founded by Emperor Franz Joseph I, it is home to many unique pieces. What some people don't know is that NHM conducts research at the pulse of time. Citizen Science is also an integral part of the museum's research landscape. In the course of creating a Citizen Science strategy, information was collected on the various Citizen Science projects located in the museum. Eight projects at the NHM involve citizens in scientific research. The scientific herpetological reference collection (amphibian and reptile species) of the Natural History Museum Vienna comprises about 210,000 objects. The cooperation with the Department of Herpetology enables us to have the entries on amphibians and reptiles checked again by declared experts in this field and, if necessary, to point out any errors! This is a great enrichment for our project and directly increases the data quality. We are looking forward to future cooperation and mutual benefit!
The vision of the project Roadkill is to mitigate road sections where there is a high number of road-killed animals together with nature conservation organisations and authorities. One basis for this is the data on roadkilled animals, which participants in the project report daily via an online form or app; the second basis is partnerships with NGOs and authorities. We have now taken a concrete first step towards such a partnership. The data collected in the project Roadkill will now be checked by the Naturschutzbund of Lower Austria for roadkill hotspots of certain species in order to evaluate the establishment of conservation measures. The Naturschutzbund of Lower Austria already manages a number of amphibian fences along roads and is also actively protecting habitats of endangered mammals, such as the European hamster, the distribution of which is still relatively unknown in Lower Austria. We are very pleased about the cooperation with the Naturschutzbund Lower Austria and hope that many more cooperations will follow.  
We are very pleased to present a new cooperation in the project. The non-profit nature conservation association Arge NATURSCHUTZ has agreed to work more closely with us on the project Roadkill. According to the association's website, the most important tasks of this association include the research of endangered plants and animals of wild species, their communities and their natural bases of life, special species and biotope management as well as targeted education and information work in the field of nature conservation. We see this as a perfect complement to our work in the project, as the Arge NATURSCHUTZ also carries out practical nature conservation measures. A successful example of this is the "Save the Frogs" campaign in which the NATURSCHUTZ consortium coordinates the management of 183 amphibian migration routes in Carinthia. We are looking forward to future cooperation and mutual enrichment!      

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  • Es gibt ein App Update!
    Was ist neu?
    * Die Liste der Kleinsäuger und der Amphibien wurde euren und den Wünschen der Moderator*innen angepasst
    * Persönliche Statistiken: filtere deine eigenen Beobachtungen.
    * Bug Fixes und Verbesserungen.

    17/03/2025 - 13:30
  • Diese Woche sind wir von Mo-Fr um jeweils 8:55 Uhr zu Gast bei der Ö1 Sendung "Vom Leben der Natur" und berichten darin vom Projekt Roadkill, den Anfängen, Mitmachmöglichkeiten und Hintergründen. Wir haben die Links zum Nachhören in unserem Blog gesammelt.

    10/03/2025 - 13:20
  • Wir freuen uns sehr, die Niederösterreichische Umweltanwaltschaft als Partnerin im Projekt Roadkill gewonnen zu haben. Sie ist in der Lage, die von uns gesammelten Daten und Informationen als Partei in verschiedene Verwaltungsverfahren einzubringen und – darauf aufbauend – Schutzmaßnahmen einzufordern.

    03/03/2025 - 09:10