pixabay Lizenz jplenio (https://bit.ly/2lUYsvM)

BirdLife Austria

BirdLife Austria is the only ornithological association in Austria that is active nationwide. Since its foundation in 1953, BirdLife Austria has carried out scientifically founded nature and bird conservation projects in four core areas:

  • Protection of species
  • Protected areas and habitats
  • Sustainability
  • Awareness raising

We are very pleased to have won BirdLife Austria as a partner in the project Roadkill. Since the core areas of this association fit perfectly to the tasks of the project Roadkill, we will intensively work in the future to intensify the basic research on road-killed birds and the protection of birds on roads by planning joint research projects, exchanging data for nature conservation analyses and improving the scientific methods for data collection.


App Downloads

Download the Roadkill App for Android or IOS and join the Citizen Science community!
Here you can also access the app's manual to get an overview about the app's basics and how to spot roadkills:

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Short News

  • Wir waren ja im November auf der Buch Wien zu Gast und hatten einen Workshop zu Forschungsfragen im Projekt Roadkill. In der neuen Folge des Podcasts "Wissen macht Leute" gibt es nun Eindrücke aus dem Workshop und der Science Lounge zum Nachhören.

    17/12/2024 - 08:02
  • Braunbrustigel nun auch auf Europäischer Ebene potentiell gefährdet. Mehr dazu in unserem Blogbeitrag dazu.

    29/10/2024 - 09:01
  • Nachschau: 10 Jahre Roadkill: Ein Fest der Gemeinschaft. Bilder, Videos und mehr in unserem Blog.

    24/10/2024 - 09:05