We understand our project team as everyone who contributes to the project. Of course our citizen scientists are in the center of attention, because without their data reports, the discussions about the recorded animal species and the improvement suggestions for the apps, website and the method itself, the project would not be possible. Some of our citizen scientists are also presented in our team blog.
The project Roadkill is carried out at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna, therefore some investigations are also carried out within the framework of master theses. Currently running master theses are:
- Patrick Diem: Hotspot analysis of roadkill in Austria based on citizen science.
- Raphael van Dyck: Analysis of surrounding landscape and road types for roadkill hedgehogs
In addition, there are people in the project who contribute significantly to the success, be it through programming and designing the website and apps or through scientific work. We are happy to have such a great team and that it is constantly growing and becoming more diverse due to our Citizen Scientists.

Florian Heigl
- Principal Investigator.
- Senior scientist at the Institute of Zoology at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna.
- Role: Florian is coordinating the project, writes research articles and also all the content on the website as well as the posts on the Twitter and Instagram channel.

Daniel Dörler
- Senior scientist at the Institute of Zoology at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna.
- Graduated in: Biology; Specialisation: Zoology
- Role: Daniel is helping in all aspects of the project, from analysing data to writing reports.
Janette Siebert
- Scientific assistant at the Institute of Zoology at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna.
- Graduated in: Zoology; Specialization: Ornithology and urban ecology.
- Role: Janette is helping with the development of the project and is responsible for the application of funding.
Philipp Hummer
- Designer & CEO SPOTTERON Gmbh
- Role: Philipp has been providing the smartphone apps and the interactive maps for the project Roadkill since 2015 on the Citizen Science platform SPOTTERON and supports the project by graphic design, concept work and media production.

Johann Zaller
- Associate professor at the Institute of Zoology at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
- CV: http://bit.ly/1i7eoEl
- Role: Scientific advisor