pixabay licence padrinan (https://pixabay.com/de/photos/konversation-ballon-text-dialog-3425921/)

Check roadkills

Citizen Scientists can immediately see any report on our online map (in German) and can helpt us to check the reports.

On the one hand, you can indicate directly under the photo of the animal whether the spot is correct. By clicking on the tick or the cross you can help to speed up the verification of the reports and at the same time give quick feedback to the citizen scientists whether their entry is correct.

If there is any ambiguity, you can also comment, e.g. if a report has not been drawn on a road, the animal has been incorrectly identified or it may not be a roadkill at all. If there is something you notice about a report, we invite you to note it in a polite and appreciative comment.

How can you comment?

To comment on a report, you must first log in. On our online map or in the app, please click on a report. The complete report will appear immediately on the left-hand side of the online map or in the lower section of the app. At the very bottom of this area you will find the "Comments" field. Here you can leave your comment or give other comments a "heart" if you support them. Of course, you are also welcome to reply to others' comments and thus start an appreciative discussion.

The Roadkill Community looks forward to your views and expertise if you would like to share them with us. You are also welcome to ask questions about the reports.

We in the project team also look at each report and check it. If the report is plausible, the report is marked with a green tick and can no longer be changed. This is important because further analyses are based on these reports and changing the data afterwards would make the results no longer comprehensible.

App Downloads

Download the Roadkill App for Android or IOS and join the Citizen Science community!
Here you can also access the app's manual to get an overview about the app's basics and how to spot roadkills:

Android AppStoreBadge 150x45px IOS AppStoreBadge 150x45px

Download manual

Short News

  • Es gibt ein App Update!
    Was ist neu?
    * Die Liste der Kleinsäuger und der Amphibien wurde euren und den Wünschen der Moderator*innen angepasst
    * Persönliche Statistiken: filtere deine eigenen Beobachtungen.
    * Bug Fixes und Verbesserungen.

    17/03/2025 - 13:30
  • Diese Woche sind wir von Mo-Fr um jeweils 8:55 Uhr zu Gast bei der Ö1 Sendung "Vom Leben der Natur" und berichten darin vom Projekt Roadkill, den Anfängen, Mitmachmöglichkeiten und Hintergründen. Wir haben die Links zum Nachhören in unserem Blog gesammelt.

    10/03/2025 - 13:20
  • Wir freuen uns sehr, die Niederösterreichische Umweltanwaltschaft als Partnerin im Projekt Roadkill gewonnen zu haben. Sie ist in der Lage, die von uns gesammelten Daten und Informationen als Partei in verschiedene Verwaltungsverfahren einzubringen und – darauf aufbauend – Schutzmaßnahmen einzufordern.

    03/03/2025 - 09:10