pixabay licence 9883074 (https://pixabay.com/de/photos/herbst-sonnenaufgang-straße-nebel-3900048/)

Basic analyses

Every three months, we publish an overview of the reported animals of the previous months in order to provide quick feedback on what has happened in the project. The basic analyses contain more detailed statistics on how many citizen scientists have reported how many roadkills (and which animal groups) and how many protected species (according to IUCN) have been reported in the last three months. Furthermore, these results are compared with the results of the previous baseline analyses to show seasonal changes. In addition, the basic analyses contain a summary on research topics of the submitted research questions and observations of the past three months.

Basic analyses published so far (in German):


Published with the support of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) [PUD 19-B].

fwf logo var1

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