pixabay Lizenz 2690457 (https://bit.ly/349fCro)

Austrian Herpetological Society

The Austrian Herpetological Society is a non-profit association and accredited environmental organisation which aims to support research in the field of amphibian and reptile research and the conservation of amphibians and reptiles and their habitats. In the context of the activities of the association the very successful Citizen Science project herpetofauna.at is conducted. "Herpetofauna" collects amphibian and reptile observations throughout Austria. In addition to the location of the specimen and the taxon, accompanying data such as habitat quality, endangerment, stage of development etc. are also recorded. Only data that are photographically documented are processed. To date, more than 20,000 reports from "Citizen Scientists" have been included in the database and are available for research.

The cooperation with the Austrian Herpetological Society enables us to have the entries on amphibians and reptiles checked again by declared experts in this field and, if necessary, to point out any errors! This is a great enrichment for our project and directly increases the data quality.

We are looking forward to future cooperation and mutual benefit!

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Short News

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