pixabay Lizenz 2023852 (https://bit.ly/2oSU1jc)


We are very pleased to present a new cooperation in the project. The non-profit nature conservation association Arge NATURSCHUTZ has agreed to work more closely with us on the project Roadkill. According to the association's website, the most important tasks of this association include the research of endangered plants and animals of wild species, their communities and their natural bases of life, special species and biotope management as well as targeted education and information work in the field of nature conservation.

We see this as a perfect complement to our work in the project, as the Arge NATURSCHUTZ also carries out practical nature conservation measures. A successful example of this is the "Save the Frogs" campaign in which the NATURSCHUTZ consortium coordinates the management of 183 amphibian migration routes in Carinthia.

We are looking forward to future cooperation and mutual enrichment!




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