The Office of the Environmental Ombudsman of Lower Austria (Niederösterreichische Umweltanwaltschaft) is located at the seat of the Lower Austrian Provincial Government in St. Pölten. It acts on the basis of a constitutional provision, is independent and non-partisan. In addition to promoting strategically important projects in the field of ecology in Lower Austria, it is also authorised to represent the interests of environmental protection in administrative proceedings. In doing so, it exercises the rights conferred on it by provincial legislation (such as the Lower Austrian Nature Conservation Act) or federal legislation (such as the Environmental Impact Assessment Act).
We are delighted to have the Environmental Ombudsman of Lower Austria as a partner in the Roadkill project. It is in a position to introduce the data and information collected by us as a party in various administrative procedures (such as nature conservation procedures or environmental impact assessment procedures) and - based on this - to demand protective measures. At the same time, it is our interface with the official nature conservation experts and the Nature Conservation Department of the Province of Lower Austria. Our activities and data are therefore of great importance for nature conservation practice.
Nature conservation means protecting people. The Austrian Environmental Ombudsmen protect the basis of life for all of us - for us and for future generations. Your work is more important than ever.