pixabay Lizenz anncapictures (https://pixabay.com/de/illustrations/natur-erde-nachhaltigkeit-blatt-3294632/)

Dialogue at eye level

In recent years citizen science is getting more important in professional science. More and more professional scientists are integrating citizens in their research. However what is citizen science and where does it come from? Which impact does citizen science have on the cooperation of laypersons and professionals? How do citizen science projects work and are there examples in Austria? Can we do something to promote citizen science in Austria and make it easier for laypersons?

Florian Heigl and Daniel Dörler are answering these questions in German in the "Jahrbuch 2015 der Bildung für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung", which was published in June 2015.

More Information regarding the Jahrbuch: https://www.umweltbildung.at/shop/bne-reloaded/

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