Austrian Citizen Science Conference 2024

From 3 - 6 April 2024, the European and Austrian Citizen Science Double Conference took place at BOKU University in Vienna. More than 500 participants came together under the motto "Change". Change can be seen as positive by one group and negative by another. Consequently, different perspectives on a particular change can lead to completely different conclusions. The aim of the conference was to explore these different approaches to the topic of "change" from a wide range of perspectives in the field of citizen science and participatory research. The aim was to discuss both the active, transformative change initiated by citizen science as well as the observation of change identified by citizen science in various disciplines and by various interest groups. In addition, the potential of citizen science as a changemaker in research and society should be emphasised.

Four submissions from the Roadkill project were accepted by the Conference Programme Committee and we were able to present a talk and two posters at the conference as well as a market stand at the Citizen Science Day at the Natural History Museum Vienna.

We have uploaded both posters (in German) to Zenodo for easy reading.

Poster 1: Regelmäßiges Monitoring vs. Zufallsmeldungen in Bezug auf landschaftliche Einflüsse

Poster 2: Die Rolle der DNA-Analyse bei der Identifizierung von Roadkills