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Spring is approaching on the road

Even if the nights are still cold and there is still snow in the mountain regions, one notices how the temperatures slowly rise and the life in nature awakes again. The leaf buds on bushes and trees become thicker and thicker and prepare for sprouting. These are the first signs of early spring, which we use to prepare for the coming season. As the temperatures rise, the vertebrates wake up from their hibernation and become active again.

For example, squirrels are often seen chasing each other to prepare for mating. During these playful hunts the animals unfortunately frequently overlook moving cars on the streets. So please pay more attention to the animals on the roads again - also in residential areas with speed limits below 30km/h.

The nature protection associations, like our partners the Naturschutzbund in Lower Austria or the ARGE Naturschutz, are already in the middle of the preparations to install amphibian fences on roads. You can find more information about amphibian migration, which is only a few weeks away, here (in German). The Naturschutzbund in Lower Austria uses (among others) the data from our project, to find out where more protective measures for amphibians are needed in Lower Austria.

As you can see, more animals will soon be seen on the roads again. If you discover any animals that have been road-killed, please report them to us as reliably as you have done in recent years. However, please always pay attention to your own safety and never use your smartphone in dangerous situations.

We would like to thank you very much for this!

Read 947 times| Last modified on Wednesday, 20 February 2019 08:05