Gartenspitzmaus CC BY-SA 2.0 de Sebastian Ritter (

Lesser white-toothed shrew


The lesser white-thoothed shrew is the smallest of the three species of white-toothed shrews (genus Crocidura) found in Europe. The snout-vent length is 50 to 75, rarely up to 80 mm, the tail length 25 to 40 mm and the weight 4.0 to 7.5 g. The upperparts are brown-grey, the flanks and the underparts are grey and occasionally have a yellowish tinge. The colouration of the under- and upperparts is not sharply separated.


The lesser white-toothed shrew inhabits woodland-free, extensively used and warm open habitats such as fallow land, field and path margins, sedimentation vegetation, gardens, scree slopes and dry stone walls from lowland to about 700 m altitude. The species often lives - and in the north of its range almost exclusively - near human settlements. From September onwards, the animals increasingly migrate into buildings to hibernate there.

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