CC BY SA 3.0 C. Robiller/ (

Common bent-wing bat


The common bent-wing bat is a medium-sized bat with a snout length of 5.00 to 6.25 cm, a tail length of 5.6 to 6.4 cm, a wingspan of 30 to 34 cm and a weight of 9 to 16 g. The dorsal fur is grey to greyish-brown, sometimes with a purple shimmer. The dorsal coat is grey to grey-brown, sometimes with a lilac tinge, the ventral side is lighter grey. On the head, the coat is short and protruding. The snout, the ears and the patagiums are greyish brown, the tragus yellowish white.

The snout is relatively short and blunt and the forehead arched, the ears are small and triangular in relation to the head, they do not protrude above the crown of the head. The ears have four to five transverse folds and a short tragus, which is curved inwards and rounded at the tip.

The species got its name from the long, dark brown wings that narrow towards the back. The second limb of the third finger is about three times as long as the first. The arm patagium attaches to the heel of the feet, which are comparatively long.


It is a cavern species that occurs in the plains as well as in the mountains and in karst areas. Caves, cellars and tunnels with temperatures between 7 and 12 °C are mainly inhabited as summer and winter quarters. They also use roosts on and in buildings. The bats hang freely from walls and ceilings, sometimes in larger groups.

The text is a translation of an excerpt from Wikipedia (ügelfledermaus). On wikipedia the text is available under a „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“ licence. Status: 18 August 2021

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