Europäischer Ziesel CC BY-SA 3.0 BS Thurner Hof (äischer_Ziesel#/media/Datei:Europäischer_Ziesel_in_Hockstellung.jpg)



The European gopher achieves a length of 18 to 23 cm without the tail. With the relatively long and densely furred tail, it adds another 5.5 to 7.5 cm. It weighs 200 to 430 g, depending on the season. The legs are relatively short. The yellow-grey fur on top is covered with white-yellow spots, these spots are missing on the sides of the body. Towards the more yellowish belly side the coat lightens slightly. The forehead and crown are shaded slightly darker than the back. The dark eyes are framed by a lighter ring.


The gopher mostly lives in steppe areas and grasslands in north-eastern Austria.

The text is a translation of an excerpt from Wikipedia (äischer_Ziesel). On wikipedia the text is available under a „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“ licence: 19 August 2021

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