Rotfuchs (Vulpes vulpes) Bellender Fuchs?/i CC BY-SA 3.0 Martin Mecnarowski (

Red fox


The body measurements of the red fox are geographically and seasonally dependent on strong fluctuations. 

The coat is reddish on top, white underpart; depending on the distribution area, the colour varies between reddish yellow to deep reddish brown on top and between pure white to slate grey underpart. The lower parts of the legs and the back of the ears are black. Overall, the coat colouration varies greatly. The most common colour variation is the black fox with a yellow-red upper side, white throat and white tail tip. Despite its name, the species often produces individuals with other colourings, including leucistic and melanistic individuals. The cross fox has a dark stripe across the shoulders and along the back. The silver fox is dark grey to black. The red fox undergoes two changes of coat per year. In spring, from the beginning of April, it loses the dense winter coat and at the same time the light summer coat develops. This becomes visible on the lower legs from the end of April and covers the legs, belly and flanks by the end of June. The coat change continues over the face to the back to the tip of the tail, which is reached in late August. The summer coat is not complete until September. As early as October, the winter coat forms again from the legs to the tail, back and face.


The red fox, a food opportunist, does not make any special demands on its habitat. Forests, grassland, fields and, in recent times, increasingly also settlement areas are suitable habitats for the red fox.

The text is a translation of an excerpt from Wikipedia ( On wikipedia the text is available under a „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“ licence. Status: 27 August 2021

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