pixabay Lizenz DieNaturreise (https://pixabay.com/de/photos/zaunkönig-vogel-holz-sitzend-tier-6002068/)

Eurasian wren


The Eurasian wren is round in shape and usually has a raised tail. The pointed, slightly curved beak is blackish brown in the upperpart and yellowish in the underpart. The iris of the eye is nut brown. The plumage is reddish brown on top and pale brown on the underpart. An indistinct cream-coloured over-eye line ends at the dark ear coverts. There are dark brown wavy lines on the tail, wings and flanks. Males and females look the same. While the wings of the female are 45 to 48 mm long, those of the male are between 49 and 53 mm long. The feet are flesh-coloured to brownish. Wrens have a body length of 9.5 to 11 cm. The wingspan is 14 to 15 cm and the body weight is usually between 7.5 and 11 grams.

The wren can climb vertically up a trunk with its long toes and strong talons, but cannot descend headfirst. It flies straight and level over the ground with rapid wing beats.


The wren lives in bushes, hedges and in the thickets of woods, gardens and parks. If there are enough hiding places, it can be found in the open cultivated landscape. Its preferred habitats include floodplains with exposed roots and climbing plants as well as woods and copses rich in undergrowth. It often inhabits areas near bodies of water. The Eurasian wren hibernates in woods, parks and gardens with covering shrubs and a herb layer, often near large bodies of water. It is often found solitary in barns and stables, in semi-natural gardens also on the walls of houses, usually gardens with a pond. It is not particularly shy there.

The text is a translation of an excerpt from Wikipedia (https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zaunkönig). On wikipedia the text is available under a „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“ licence. Status: 01 December 2021

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