
Download the Roadkill | SPOTTERON App for Android & IOS to report your findings.

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In this citizen science project of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, we would like to create an overview of where animals are roadkilled and what reasons there might be for this.

In the Roadkill project, we would like to collaborate with you in many ways, because citizen science means for us an active collaboration between research and society, in which everyone can contribute expertise and is valued. The collaboration is on a voluntary basis and can therefore be freely designed.

You can find out in which ways you can collaborate with the Roadkill project in the section "Explore".

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What does roadkill mean?

Roadkill is the term used to describe all animals killed in road traffic. The German term Wildunfall (wildlife accident) is not a sufficient translation, as it usually only refers to larger mammals and occasionally birds. This is also reflected in official statistics - data on animals killed in road traffic are mainly collected on so-called "huntable game". Data on all other animal species - including endangered species such as amphibians - are mostly missing.


Schritt 1 - Citizen Science App Downloaden


Get the free Citizen Science App on Google Play for Android or in the Apple App Store!
Schritt 2 - SPOTTERON User registrieren


After the start of the app you can register your own user account with just your eMail adress.
Schritt 3 - Beobachten und beitragen

Start observing

Start observing! You are automatically logged-in after registering to add your first observation.


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App Downloads

Download the Roadkill App for Android or IOS and join the Citizen Science community!
Here you can also access the app's manual to get an overview about the app's basics and how to spot roadkills:

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