pixabay Lizenz firmbee (https://pixabay.com/de/photos/b%C3%BCro-gesch%C3%A4ft-buchhalter-620822/)


Spotteron GmbH has been supporting the Roadkill project since 2015 with the development of the apps and the project website. Due to the intensive cooperation over the last years it was possible to perfectly combine the existing knowledge on both sides to develop tools not only for the project Roadkill but for the whole Citizen Science Community. Spotteron develops its apps modularly so that functions that are financed and implemented by one project are also available to the other projects on the Spotteron platform.

In the last few years we were able to successfully implement the important functions of the offline use of the maps in the apps, the comment function below all entries or also important functions in the backend. Through constant exchange both sides, scientists and developers, learn enormously to achieve the best for the Citizen Science Community from both views.

We would like to thank the team of Spotteron GmbH for their support over the years and look forward to further fruitful cooperation.